Free version – SVI galleries missing after Product Import Fatal Error


  1. Ensure you have a backup of your website. Running scripts directly can have unintended consequences, and it’s always good to have a backup in case something goes wrong.
  2. Make sure you have FTP or cPanel access to your website. This is required to upload the script and run it.


  1. Upload the Script:
    • Using an FTP client (like FileZilla) or your hosting cPanel’s file manager, navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. This is typically where you can find the wp-config.php file.
    • Upload the woosvi_fix.php file to this directory.
  2. Run the Script:
    • In your web browser, navigate to the script by typing in your domain followed by /woosvi_fix.php. For example, if your website is, you would go to
    • Once you access this URL, the script will automatically execute.
  3. Review the Results:
    • After running the script, it should display a message indicating the process completion and provide details on how many products were fixed.
    • Check some of the products on your WooCommerce store to ensure the data looks correct.
  4. Clean Up:
    • For security reasons, once you’ve confirmed the script has run successfully and you’re satisfied with the results, delete the woosvi_fix.php file from your server using your FTP client or cPanel’s file manager.
  5. Backup Again:
    • It’s a good practice to take another backup of your website after making significant changes.

Important Notes:

  • Always ensure you have a recent backup before running scripts or making significant changes to your website.
  • The script is designed to fix specific issues related to the woosvi_slug meta key. Ensure it’s the right solution for your problem before running it.
  • If you encounter any issues or unexpected results, consult with a developer or expert before proceeding further.


Download woosvi_fix.