
This sections allows you to activate the basics of Smart Variations Images and Swatches for WooCommerce. Let’s start here!


Enable SVI

This option will enable Smart Variations Images and Swatches to run in your front-end site. While it’s deactivated you can start/continue creating your SVI galleries on your products. Activate SVI when your ready to show it to the public.

Enable Swatches

This option allows you to show colors and photos as alternative to dropdowns for variations of variable products.

Showcase Images under Variations

Activating this option will make the Variation images be displayed under the dropdowns/swatches selection area. The main gallery will remain untouched and will display either All the images of the product gallery or SVI default Gallery if one is created.

Disable SVI display

Disable SVI from running on products that have no SVI galleries created and fallback to default theme display.
Note: In alternative if you want to disable SVI for a specific product you will have to visit the product Advanced Tab where you find the option to Disable SVI for that specific product.

Skip Gallery equivalence check

Each time an attribute is selected jump to first image of gallery. By default if there are no changes made to the current gallery in display then there is no need to jump to first image.

Variation Select Options

Trigger on attribute change

In general, WooCommerce variable product changes variation image when all available attributes are selected. With this option activated customers don’t need to match the entire attribute variation. Variation products gallery will be changed after selecting a single attribute as long as it matches a SVI gallery created.

Trigger on attribute change

Activating this option will limit the gallery change to be executed only when there is an exact match between the attributes selected and the SVI galleries created.
For example, user select “Black and XL”. Smart Variations Images will try to find an SVI gallery that matches exactly “Black + XL” and display that gallery. If no match is found then nothing will occur even if you have a SVI gallery matching one of the attributes ex: “Black”.

WooCommerce Shop Page / Archive

Showcase Variations

This option will showcase the first image of each of your SVI Variations Gallery under each product on the Product loop pages.

Visible galleries

Defines a limit of galleries to be displayed p/product, 0 = all. This may com in handy when you have multiple SVI galleries created and you may have not enable/disable specific galleries from being displayed for the product as exemplified in the image.

Showcase Position

WooCommerce has hooks set in place to allow users to customize the positions of certain elements, if your theme has this hooks in place you may adjust the position.

Showcase Position Priority

WooCommerce has hooks set in place to allow users to customize the positions of certain elements, if your theme has this hooks in place you may adjust the position.
Any number of functions may be “hooked” to any given action. In some instances it is important for a hooked function to execute before or after others, which is where the priority comes into play.

Specify Product Wrapper

Used to specify the element that if wrapping the product on the loop page. By default is set to find the closest “.product” but just in case your theme doesnt have the class present this option will allow you to define the target. You can specify for example any element (div,li), classes (.product) or both (div.product).

Specify Product Wrapper Image

Used to specify the element that if wrapping the product image on the loop page. By default is set to find the first image but just in case the first image is not the product image this option will allow you to define the target. You can specify for example any element (img,div), classes (.attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail) or both (img.attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail).

Showcase Image Size Loaded

Select the image size you want loaded from the available registered image sizes on your site.

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