Additional Images for WooCommerce Variations isn’t possible by default.
WooCommerce variations only allows the user to upload the main variation image and no option to insert more images that define that variation.
Every visitor on your online shop should be able to navigate thru your additional variations gallery and have access to the images of that specific product variation. Despite being available several good WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugins (all with the same work methodology) for adding this feature most of them fall short on “versatiling” the method when we are handling a combination of several dozens of variations.
Let’s take a small example:
In this example we have Color + Size variations because we will be applying different prices due to the Size. Otherwise we could just set “all sizes”.
Using the available WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugins to add additional images to the WooCommerce variations we would need to do something like this:
The shop owner will have to upload the sames additional variation images twice (or more if he has more variations) so that when the user chooses the variation “blue” the correct additional images show up for the user.
Personally, for me this is kind of going thru a lot of trouble specially when handling dozens/hundreds of variations and thinking that I have to add the same additional images for each variation! This would take forever!
Therefor Smart Variations Images was built! Let’s take a look at a faster method in easy steps:
- Build your variations and assign the prices
- Since the additional images reference is “blue” under the SVI Variations Gallery we only need to create the Blue gallery.
No matter the size the user chooses this will be the additional variation images displayed.
Smart Variations Images! has the additional option to swap the variation images immediately after the user chooses the color.
You are able to build the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images as you see fit best with less work.
Give a try at the demo version and test it yourself or purchase SVI PRO NOW! What do you think? Leave your comments below!